Every one is invited to attend.
TO ALL–A retreat is planned for Saturday, January 17 from 9:30 am to 12:00 noon. Please come with your Ideas and thoughts. We need to think about many items. I have listed a group of things for your consideration before the meeting. I suggest you rate the most important items.
Topics: Need vs Want. And when can it be done.
- Pay on loan (get new mortgage rate?)
- Sewer
- Water
- Community garden
- Paint house
- Roof barn
- Stone Patio
- Trees
- Clothes line
- Gardens at Museum
- Pavillions
- Gravel for road
- Identification statements for rooms/items
- Rebuild sidewalk
- Picture/dewspaper display for museum
- Brochure for Erie Historical Society
- Review landscaping plan
Funding: How and who.
- Biscuit Day
- Lecture Series
- Grants
- Note cards
- Book
- Raffle
- Tee Shirts
- Memorial bricks
- Memorial trees
- Framed pictures of old Erie
- Picture requests
- Old Barn wood sale
- Farmer’s Market
- Charge entrance fee
People needed:–Do you know who could help.
- to handle small gardens in front of museum
- to learn to tour groups through museum
- to plan and promote educational programs for students
- to help with computer work
- to help with family names (genealogy)
- to prepare grant applications (might be paid position)
- to contact potential donors
- to assume Biscuit Day 2009 planning.
- to write and send EHS updates.
The meeting will be held at Sarah’s House.
Time and Place
Date: Saturday, January 17, 2009
Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm
Location: Sarah Wise’s House
11497 Jasper Road
Erie, CO