The Erie News – Digitalization Fundraiser

The Erie Historical Society is actively looking for old newspapers published in Erie, CO. If you know of any please contact us. Thank you.

You can find a list of Erie Newspapers here

Help the Erie Historical Society continue to Celebrate, Educate and Preserve Erie, Colorado history.

  • Learn more about your town!
  • Preserve our history for future generations!
  • 100+ editions of the The Erie News newspaper from 1903-1906 will be archived for free access!

The Erie Historical Society has 100+ editions of The Erie News, newspaper, from June 1903 through January 1906. Our goal is to raise $1,200 so we can convert the newspapers into a digital format.  All the newspapers will then be available online for free for everyone’s enjoyment. They will be easily searched, viewed and preserved for the future.


The Erie News Digitalization Project Updates

  • 11/21/2015: Crowdfund set up on Crowdrise to raise funds to digitize The Erie News 1903-1906
  • 11/23/2015: Spreadsheet created inventory done of all papers in collection. View Working Spreadsheet here  Missing several editions especially towards the end of 1905.
  • 12/1/2015: Article in Colorado Hometown News. Effort aims to digitize historic issues of The Erie News
    Crowdfunding campaign has a goal of $1,200; papers from 1900s would be online, searchable
  • 12/15/2015: The original papers we dropped off to the digitization vendor on Friday.  They will microfilm the paper, digitize it from the microfilm (create tiffs), and create negative and positive microfilm.  This process is estimated to take about 2-3 weeks.  We are also actively searching for some missing editions. Reaching out to UNC to inquire about a couple issues they may have.
  • 12/15/2015: Article published on with background information on The Erie News and it’s publisher, Clyde L. Stanley, age 16. Read more here
  • 1/22/2016: The papers have been microfilmed and digitized!  They were picked up by the digitization vendor and are being sent to our processors tomorrow.  The next process is to segment the articles and apply to OCR to the images.
  • 1/25/2016: Erie Historical Society donated a copy of the microfilm of the Erie News 1903-1906 to History Colorado, who hold the largest collection of newspapers on microfilm
  • 3/22/2015: Update from Colorado State Library. The digitized versions of the Erie News should be online by early May, 2016

The Digitalization Process: The newspapers will be photographed and placed on microfilm. Then the papers will be digitized and made available for free for everyone at Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection,

We have verified, with the assistance of Colorado State Library, that these newspapers have never been archived on microfilm before. The Erie Historical Society has almost a complete set of papers for the years 1903 thorugh January 1906 when the paper was merged with a Lafayette newspaper.

The Erie Historical Society will also donate a copy of the newspaper on microfilm to History of Colorado, which has the largest collection of newspapers on microfilm.

Thank you so much for your help. We can not wait to share these newspapers with you!